Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Catching Up, April and May

Hello blogging friends! Sorry for the lag between posts! For some reason I haven't had my camera handy over the past few weeks and haven't had a chance to update. So I'll just give a quick synopsis of the last few weeks!

At the end of April, Benny and I were super pumped about the warm weather and I had a super big itch to ride bikes. But, since our bikes from childhood were at our respective parents houses and hadn't been ridden in probably 15 years, we bought new ones! We took them to this awesome bike trail that starts north of Indianapolis and runs through all of the cute suburbs. We had an awesome time, and are excited to do it again soon!

Sometime during the first couple of weeks of May, we were hanging out with the Galemas and Daughertys, and I walked into Cassity's room and saw this:

Benny was reading "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" to all of the kiddos on Cassity's loft. They were ALL intently listening to the story. It was PRECIOUS. My husband is going to make the most incredible daddy some day!

On Memorial Day, we went to Jared Galema's third birthday party. Here's the birthday boy, enjoying his yummy food.

Cassity, the big sis:

Benny and Aden Daugherty, eating a birthday cupcake:

And finally, this past Saturday, we moved into our new house! We had a little blip with the UHaul (long story) and ended up getting everything over to the house with two pickups and cars--and lots of help from friends.(We had a 27-foot Uhaul for our two previous moves!) By Monday afternoon, there were only 2-3 boxes left to be unpacked! Moving is definitely a very exhausting process, but I'm so glad to be settled into our new home!


Trav, Jess, and Aden Daugherty said...

You two have to be the most amazing "friends to our kids" that ever existed...thank you for loving them so much. They/we are all SUPER lucky to have you!

Leslie said...

i was going to say the same as Jess.