Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our New Home in Anderson

That's right...Benny and I have decided to stay in Anderson, IN for one more year. (who knows what the Lord will do with us after that!!) This year we've been living in an apartment on the south side of Anderson. While it's a nice apartment, we were up for trying to find a larger space (just in case we have an addition to the family... :), with a lower monthly rent that was closer to Anderson University's campus. Well, after a couple months of looking at lots of houses without much luck, we found a winner this week... 729 Nursery Rd. It's literally 1 block from the soccer field, and even a bit closer to the hospital I work at. Here are some pics of the outside...

We'll start moving some stuff over mid-May, and then be in completely by June 1st. Yeah...we're getting pretty good at moving...this is house #4 for our 3 1/2 year marriage. Let's just say we'll be ready to stay in a house for more than 2 years, whenever the Lord decides that should be!!


jess said...

SUPER CUTE!! I love it! Have fun getting settled in!

Leslie said...

hey i know exactly what house that is! i. love. it!

Cant wait to get the tour!!!

Liz said...

That house is super cute! Glad you all made your decision about next year. I am sure it was a hard one to make. I miss you friend! Whats this talk about "in case there is another family member..."

We the Hornings said...

Cute place - I'm sure it will be a welcome change from an apartment. Call us if you want help moving!

Trav, Jess, and Aden Daugherty said...

Yeah! We're so glad you're sticking around Bennisons! Can't wait to help move the stuff in!

Seth and Lainie said...

I love your new house! Seth and I miss you both a lot and hope y'all are doing great!