Sunday, August 24, 2008

Yellow Creek

This weekend, the Anderson University Men's and Women's Soccer teams had a retreat at Yellow Creek...a small lake/retreat area near Warsaw, IN. Wendy (the head soccer coach's wife) and I got to spend a couple of hours in Wal-Mart on Saturday night shopping for food for the 50+ college students. It was quite a site...we ended up using 4 shopping carts and got LOTS of bewildered looks! Sunday morning, we went to church in Warsaw, and then got to spend the beautiful afternoon on the lake.

Apparently it's a tradition to play "Watermelon Football" at this retreat every year. They smeared butter all over a watermelon and attempted to play are the results.

Benny and Coach Fridley's team in their "huddle."

Benny and Coach.

This is Madison, Coach's 3-year old daughter. She's an absolute handful, but one of the funniest, sweetest kids I know. Just look at that smile!

Madison wondering if she can play with that blue boat.

Benny with Madison's older brother, Mason after church.


Liz said...

I just love thinking of you with 4 carts in Walmart. I bet you got some stares. Just think, that is what it will be like once you guys have your 8 kids :)Happy Bday by the way. Sorry I didnt call. I didnt forget though, I just failed to act...I am a stinky friend. At least I predicted it and texted early!

jess said...

That is SO fun!! That football game looks hilarious :) Glad you guys had so much fun!