Sunday, August 5, 2012

July Randoms

Sitting on the horse outside of the Family Dollar. (Notice I say "sitting on"...he doesn't even know that you can turn it on...yet!)

Taking walks around Bridgewater's campus is a pretty common occurance. On this particular morning, he found a tree branch that came along with us!

Just about every morning while I'm drying my hair, Andrew sits on our bed and reads his "Ernie books."  (That's what he calls the Sesame Street books from 1980 that my mom sent to us at Christmas.)  It's so sweet to see him enjoy the books that I remember reading when I was little!

Our sweet, happy little boy.  He is such a blessing!!

Fascinated by the blue tongue his dum dum left.

The car almost always puts our little man to sleep!

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