Sunday, March 4, 2012

The new bike trailer!!

The spring/summer before we had Andrew, Benny and I really enjoyed riding bikes around Anderson.  We lived really close to AU's campus, so we frequently rode to and around campus.  After we had Andrew, we've really wanted to get a bike trailer so that we could continue riding, but I haven't wanted to pay close to/over $100 for one.  Well, Wednesday night I found one on Craigslist for $30 and I picked it up on Thursday!!  We've already used it twice (we had a couple of really pretty afternoons) and Andrew really loves being in it!!

Benny is kind enough to haul the little man!  (and that's Bridgewater's campus, RIGHT across the street!!) 

We let Andrew pick which of his friends he wanted to bring along for the ride.  This time it was Brown Bear and Tigger. 

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