Sunday, January 18, 2009

Benny's 30th Birthday

January 3rd was Benny's 30th birthday! Since you only turn 30 once, and because Benny's my most favorite person in the world, I tried to make this day extra special. He slept in, and he knows on his birthday to stay in bed until I come and get him. When I did, he sat down to the breakfast table where three boxes were waiting for him. I couldn't wait for him to eat first, so he opened the presents. The first box had a Detroit Redwings t-shirt, and the second box had two tickets to a Redwings game. Benny has always wanted to go to a hockey game, and he became a Redwings fan in college, thanks to teammate Derreck Spires. I got a hold of Derreck in September, and he helped me choose which game to buy tickets for. (We'll be going in February...) The third box contained at least 30 cards and letters from Benny's friends and family. (I had emailed folks a couple of weeks in advance).

Next, we relaxed, went to the gym together, and then went to see the movie "Yes Man." (very funny)

After the movie, we went to dinner. We always go out to eat for our birthdays, so I had made reservations at Champps in Indianapolis. But, Benny didn't know that a bunch of other people would be waiting to hang out with him, too!

(He tells me he was surprised)

Benny and I, at Champps

And here are the folks who joined us!!

Kirsten, Wendy, Coach, Benny, Adam, Leslie

Leta, Larry, Kyle, Allison, JP, and John (some of Benny's family from Lafayette)

Joshua, Josiah, Abigail, Tim, Elizabeth, Eric, Laura, Pat, and Kathy (more of Benny's family from Lafayette)

The Daugherty Family: Jess, Travis and Aden

Me and Aden...can you even HANDLE those big, blue eyes?!

After dinner, Benny let me give him a relaxing "foot treatment."

I think he had a pretty good day, and I definitely had a blast spoiling the most amazing husband in the world.

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