Monday, June 9, 2008

Another Week of "Lasts"

This Friday, June 13th, we will be pulling our tightly packed U-Haul out of Ruston, LA...the only place Benny and I know as home as a married couple. Sunday, May 25th was the last Sunday we'd attend the worship service at Crossroads Church. Our good friend and Executive Pastor, Wade created a very humbling video tribute to us. (You can see it by following this link: ) As you can probably imagine, I cried just a little bit during and afterwards :)

Wednesday, May 28th was my last day of work at Northern Louisiana Medical Center.

June 1-8th we took 18 kids from the under-privelaged side of Ruston to Kids Across America. (Pictures to follow!)

This week, we'll be tying up loose ends and packing up the last of our things. Thanks so much for your prayers during this fun, exciting, and some-what scary time!