Monday, November 1, 2010


So most of you have probably seen some pictures of Andrew via Facebook, so there won't be an abundance of pics in this post. But, I did want to tell our "labor story" for those who are interesed:
I woke up on Sunday morning (October 3rd) at around 6 or 7 am having contractions about every 10 minutes. Because I was only 1-2cm earlier that week in the office, I knew I was going to have to contract for a while in order to make any change. So, we decided to go to church (30 minute drive). I continued to contract at church, on the way home, while eating lunch, and while trying to take a nap. I started doing some things around the house and decided I wanted to take a walk, and if the contractions got closer together after the walk, we'd run into the hospital to have one of my coworkers check me. During the walk they were around 6 minutes apart, so we got in the car and headed to the hospital. (I had called my friend Courtney to tell her I was just going to stop by to see if I was doing anything...such a perk of working in Labor and Delivery!) Courtney checked me, and I was 3-4 cm! (it was 5:30pm-ish). Our friend Cherilyn came up to the hosptial to hang out with me so that Benny could run home and grab our bags (thankfully we live really close!). I got my epidural at around 10:30pm and my doctor came and broke my water at 11:15pm- I was 5cm. At 3:45 she came back to check me, said I was 10cm and had me start pushing. Andrew was born at 4:24am!! (I was really nervous that I wouldn't be a good pusher...after 5 years of telling other women how to do it I felt like this was a performance review. I was going to be so ashamed if they had to tell me over and over, "You're doing this all wrong!" I guess I did allright...)

RIGHT after delivery!

First family photo :)

I am so thankful that my parents were able to stay with us for a few days! They were beyond helpful and SUCH a blessing!

I absolutely love this one of Benny and Andrew. They are going to be such great buddies! I am so blessed to have a husband who will intentionally love, mentor, guide, and instruct our children, and who will most importantly model and teach God's love!

One of our favorite pictures of little Andrew...

Our friend Jose came by and took some AMAZING pictures for us. Here are just a few: (Andrew is 4 weeks old in these pics)

Today, (November 18th) Andrew is 6 1/2 weeks old. He has started smiling and making fun little noises. He has most definitely changed our lives, but we can't imagine not having him around. We prayed and prayed for him, and are soooo thankful that the Lord has given us the opportunity to be his parents!!!! We pray that we are faithful to allow Him to guide as we do our best to lead, direct and guide him to be the man that God desires him to be!

1 comment:

Liz said...

I love you Rach! You and Benny are going to do a great job. Rest assured, you won't do it right all the time, but thankfully God is in control! Andrew is a blessing! So glad I got to snuggle him for a minute the other day!