Thursday, October 28, 2010

September 2010

Hello friends!
So the last couple of months have been a little busy :) and I have neglected our blog. Here's what our September looked like:

AU soccer season started at the beginning of the month! Now (November 1st) the regular season is over, and the team plays in the conference semi-finals on Wednesday. They had a GREAT season! (see link to AU men's team at right)
Benny on the sidelines during one of the first games:

At a high school football game with the Daughertys. Benny and me with Aden and Owen. We LOVE these precious boys! (and their parents :)

Benny and Owen:

Benny and I are super blessed to be able to live life alongside a great group of couples in a small group. They surprised us with a baby shower!

Jonah and Sarah

Our awesome small group!! Sarah and Jonah McDonough, Troy, Katrina and Ian Canfield, and Cherilyn, Jason and Eyla Horning!

One of Benny's favorite things to watch: Ian eating!! We love the way he opens his mouth SO wide for every bite!

Troy reading to Eyla and Ian.

The AU men's team, watching the women's game.

My incredible husband, helping the guys get warmed up:

The starting lineup:

Benny and I with Matt Young, our fun neighbor!

Some of the girls at work hosted a shower for the THREE nurses who were pregnant at the same time! Jacole (due October 3rd...the day before me!) and Courtney (due at the beginning/middle of November.)

39 week belly shots!

Andrew's Room!! The awesome painting above his crib and changer dresser was made by our good friend Lainie Deerman.

(The wall space above the organizer is being saved for two drawings that my dear friend Jill Tanana is working on!)

(There's actually a shelf on the wall to the left of the rocking chair with some picture frames...just can't see it in this picture!)

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