Monday, July 25, 2011

Fourth of July Weekend, 2011

The week prior to the Fourth, Anderson University hosted the annual Church of God Convention. Each evening, there was live entertainment and booths with yummy foods. We decided to partake of the funnel cakes and ice cream one evening on a walk with Eric Spencer and Matt Young (soccer fellas).

Because Andrew hasn't really used a paci for several months, when we reintroduced it to him a couple of weeks ago, this is how he uses it!

We headed to Lafayette for a little getaway on the weekend of the Fourth.

Andrew with G-Pa Bennison.

After visiting Grammy (Benny's Mom) at work at Kohls, we let Andrew play on the little riding cars in the mall. He loved them!

Kathy watched Andrew one evening so that Benny and I could go out on a little date! We went to an AWESOME sushi place in downtown Lafayette, got some ice cream, and played a game outside of Starbucks. I love my hubby so so much!

On Saturday afternoon, we went to the Columbian Park Zoo in Lafayette. As we were walking through the petting zoo, another guest said, "Ummm, you have a chicken in your stroller." Immediately, Benny and I looked down at Andrew, figuring the chicken had jumped into his lap. Thankfully, it hadn' was under the stroller in the compartment where I was holding my purse! The little guy didn't want to get out, so one of the zookeepers had to help him!

Watching the monkeys:

There was a nice little park outside of the zoo where Andrew played for a few minutes. (Not for very long was SOOO hot outside!)

We grilled out on the Fourth, and then took a walk around campus with some students:
Whitney, Matt, Kingsley and Helen. (notice how engaged Andrew was during the walk).

Andrew was in bed by 8pm and it doesn't get dark in Indiana til close to 10pm, so we enjoyed a nice evening at home together! Maybe next year Andrew will be up late enough to watch some fireworks!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Seriously, that kid is so dang cute Rach!! Love you, and miss you lots!!