Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fort Night and Beef and Boards

A couple of weeks ago, some of the fellas from the AU soccer team decided they wanted to come over to our house to build a fort. Yes...the kind you used to build in your parent's living room with all of the blankets in the house when you were eight years old. So on a Wednesday night, they came over, hung out for a little while, and then got to work on their masterpiece. It was rather hilarious to watch...they took apart our sectional couch, turned the pieces on their sides, and said things like, "this will be the living room...this will be the foyer....this will be the game room...this will be the bedroom..." They draped the blankets everywhere, and even stapled a few sheets to the wall! Here the boys are...super proud of their finished product:

Don't they look like little boys? So cute...

Eating their Taco Bell in the game area/kitchen:

All playing around on Facebook in the "bedroom":

The finished product:

They definitely ALL slept in the fort (including Benny) and probably got a whopping 4 hours of sleep. I think they're all excited about doing another "Fort Night" sometime soon!

Friday night, we went with Benny's Dad and his wife to watch Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at a fun dinner theatre place in Indianapolis called "Beef and Boards." We had a yummy dinner, and then got to watch the show!

The dining room/where we sat for the show. They took away the buffet tables and the stage slid out to where the buffets are now.

We'd never been to a dinner theatre before, so it was a great new experience!

1 comment:

We the Hornings said...

Beef & Boards is so fun...I've been there once to see "Oklahoma"! Would definitely go back...